Modelic uses years of Magento experience to design open-sourced enterprise projects that deliver the best results for our clients.

We are able to maximize our resources more efficiency while leveraging our expertise by concentrating our efforts on only designing for this open-source platform. All of our successes are developed around an agile yet very human process. Simple yet mission critical for successful Magento stores.


Is Magento Right For You?

There are plenty of Magento reviews, feature comparisons and how-tos out there on the internet. They may help you understand what Magento is capable of delivering, but is Magento a good eCommerce fit for you and your business?

Our Magento Services


Magento Design


Clicking, tapping, swiping, dragging, dropping, popping, fading – all part of the interaction we create for positive Magento user experiences.

We spend a good amount of time during discovery learning about your customers. That's who we are designing for even if our clients are paying the bills. We lean heavily on research, user stories and conversion funnels so we keep revenue growth as our guiding goal.

Our methodology incorporates the path of least resistance and one that also has its lens focused on conversions and lead generation.